We arm independents
with the best tools in the industry
We set out to make the most powerful software tools the industry had ever seen. Kinetic puts independent repair shops and service centers head-to-head with nationwide dealerships and chains with all of the most advanced capabilities that were previously available only to the largest enterprises.
"Advanced" doesn't mean complex
If software is built right, it will by definition be easy to use and learn.
Unfortunately, most software out there isn't built right.
We made a commitment to ourselves when we started building Kinetic: when faced with a decision we would always do things the right way, not the easy way.
Technicians and service writers both love our software. We've spent years working alongside them as they do their jobs day to day, and they were (and are) the ultimate architects of our product. When you make their jobs easier, everybody wins.
American-made for American businesses
Our product is 100% built by our own in-house team here in Orange County, California. We would never dream of hiring contractors or overseas labor. Our goal is not to build products at the lowest cost - it's to set a new standard for quality, craftsmanship and performance.
Kinetic Automotive Systems LLC 11996 Ralston Road Maricopa, AZ 85139
© 2019 Kinetic Automotive Systems LLC
"Kinetic Automotive" and the [k] logo are trademarks of Kinetic Automotive Systems LLC. All rights reserved.